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The DAA offers a two-day induction course for legal practitioners with some background and/or experience in arbitration.

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De Bouwrechtcommissie van de The Dutch Arbitration Association hield op donderdag 22 november 2018 een seminar over Bewijs bij vertragings- en verstoringsclaims.


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The Dutch Arbitration Association invites you to the 2018 Dutch Arbitration Day which will be held on Thursday 18 October 2018 at the Hermitage in Amsterdam.

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The DAA Investment Arbitration Committee will organize a meeting with the theme: The consequences of the CJEU's Achmea judgment for investment treaty arbitration.

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The DAA’s general meeting of members and the DAA Energy Committee launch event will be held on 16 May 2018 in The Hague.Theme: Up- and Downstream views on Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector.

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The Dutch Arbitration Association organized its fifth annual conference on Thursday 14 September 2017.

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